We don't have duck bills or beaver tails though
oh yeah ?
rare mammal that lays eggs!
meat eater!
when taken home to england from australia scientist thought it was a hoax.
We don't have duck bills or beaver tails though
oh yeah ?
as a good jw i never smoked a joint or nibbled on some brownies.
i smoke it passively most days-----the scum in the flat downstairs use the stuff and the fumes fills the stairwell--i gag on it.
( note--the whole building is a no-smoking zone. )
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
hi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
raised from age 9
dipped in 1962---age 14
quit in 1971
so--9 years in--3 of which was pioneering--and a servant.
so the elders keep bugging me and pestering me about having a meeting with them to "introduce me to my new congregation" for some reason (do any ex elders know what that even means??).
i keep postponing and making excuses and they are getting more and more aggressive.
i finally agreed for them to come over today, but really don't want to..should i hide from them again?
here is a great site in case anyone is interested in acquiring wt property in brooklyn heights.
here is a great site in case anyone is interested in acquiring wt property in brooklyn heights.
so--some property is still for sale then ?--and the WTS badly needs the money for its other liabilties ?
good good good
by the way--can anyone tell me what DUMBO stands for ?
maybe sutcliffe really does think he will live forever in the new system.
the more you think about it---this couldnt be better publicity for this crazy cult.
so my brother-in-law, who is also my best friend, was reinstated last night.
i had an idea that he was trying to make his way back to the cult because i had been texting and calling him for about 3 months now and no answer from him.
when he text me this morning to tell me the news i wasn't shocked, but i was saddened.
was sipping my coffee, browsing here and there, and then focussed on reading here regarding arc, picked up some world news on same subject - and wondered if jw org would publish any information on their news site.. then, i flicked to jw talk - anything in their public news forum?
a newish headline 'australia and jehovah's witnesses' or something like that - i entered link - web page error, not found.
they are gods chosen few--they are going to survive armageddon any day soon-----its totally understandable why they feel like this.
smug is the word best describes them